A641.8.3.RB - Personal Balance Sheet

In conducting the Personal Balance Sheet in our text I was able to gain clarity on my own personal assets and liabilities. Equipped with these new and reinforced learning I am able to strengthen my self as a leader and professional as I am able to better leverage my assets and work towards minimizing my liability.

To begin sharing these learnings I will start by discussing my personal assets. My distinctive strengths, or the strengths that others see in me. My first distinctive strength is my willingness and desire to learn new things. I am often identified as a quick learner because of my desire, so pasts managers often have looked to me to pick up new projects that are in uncharted territories. Another distinctive strength of mine is my autonomy and apt to problem solve, much of the progress I have seen in my projects has stemmed from my ability to “run with it”, I have often been referred to as a one stop shop because of this ability.

A potential strength of mine is creativity, this is an ability that I certainly have but I do not allow myself to leverage broadly simply because of the lack of time delegated to the activity. An enduring disposition of mine is my determination and commitment to living an intent full life. This determination is something that has supported and guided me in all avenues of life and something that I do not want to loose sight of.

Now onto my liabilities, a weakness of mine that I want to do better is provide constructive criticism to by peers. Working in marketing it is often imperative to provide feedback and constructive criticism and I would like to get better at doing so. A weakness of mine that I very much want to change is my focus, I often juggle a number of things at a time and my lack of focus relays that. Having more focus is something that would not only benefit me professionally but also personally. An enduring disposition of mine is my inability to commit much to memory, my lack of memory is something that certainly holds me back in many cases. Although, my inability to commit things to memory also forces me to be really organized with my thoughts and notes, allowing for stronger outcomes when equipped with my notes and organization.

Equipped with the recognition of my own weaknesses I plan on growing these weaknesses into strengths by putting them to practice. For example, I will keep my goal of providing more constructive criticism to my peers by keeping it top of mind when I attend meetings, because I work remotely I will simply add a reminder sticky note to my computer so the reminder is in my line of sight during my meetings. To enhance my focus, I will practice mindfulness by implementing a meditation routine and keeping my running routine consistent. Overall, this exercise provided me with a refreshed perspective on my own personal balance and how I can achieve better balance for myself professionally and personally.


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