
My overall experience with this course was quite positive, I can gladly walk away from the course with great satisfaction and the ability to say that I know much more about myself as a leader. Throughout the semester I have been able to identify some of my own strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly I was able to take my learnings and already apply them to my own personal and professional life.

If I had to pick one concept out of the many concepts we learned about it would be a concept introduced by Dr. Iyengar in one of the courses readings from one of my favorite modules this semester, “no single narrative serves the needs of everyone everywhere” (Iyengar, 2010). This is something that I think that every current and aspiring leader should be reminded of. We all our different in preference and work ethic, so we should be managed and lead that way, as a leader flexibility and adaptability is critical, and you should not always defer to what you prefer as a leader.

To improve my own learning experience, I think that I would have committed to applying every lesson to my own professional life. With that said there has been a great deal of applicable lessons along the way but I think that next time around when I identify a module or assignment that doesn’t seem applicable to me and my field I will push further to dig deeper to seek an application. This course was quite applicable in the topics that we researched but the actual research methodology is quite irrelevant to my own professional work, but I understand that the research topics are critical to my academic development.

Overall, I had a great experience in the progression of my first course in pursuit of my master degree. My favorite part of the curriculum was the weekly discussions I was able to have with business professionals across all industries. It was a great pleasure and learning opportunity to chat with my classmates about their own careers and experiences.


Iyengar, S. (2010, July). The art of choosing. Retrieved November 11, 2017, from https://www.ted.com/talks/sheena_iyengar_on_the_art_of_choosing/transcript?language=en


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